Chinese civilization is one of the oldest civilization of the world, along the Yellow river and Yangtze river. Chinese food and its preparation has been developed so highly that it has reached the status of an ART. This art has been cultivated, developed and refined over hundreds of years. History and culture of China is highly influenced by Confucius, who established standards of cooking and table etiquettes. These elements are being followed till date. The history of Chinese cuisine is marked by both variety and change.
Chinese cuisines had a long history from ancient civilizations to the establishment of People’s republic China. 5000 years ago, Chinese people were found engaged in grilling fish and other meat. During Zhou dynasty, beans, millet and barley were very common. Rice was also introduced in the same era.
Chinese cooking made a big step during Han dynasty. During this time trade was at its peak due to the opening of Silk Road. As a result of which number of spices and other food products were introduced, giving Chinese cuisines a unique flavor.
As other dynasties came to throne, they bring different sort of cooking and eating patterns with them. After the independence of China, it’s cuisines become world famous because of their tastes, colors, aroma and presentation.
A very interesting fact about Chinese cuisines is that, they are divided into eight different groups. They are Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shangdong, Sichuan and Zhejiang. This differentiation is on regional basis, cooking styles and the staple crop that grows in that particular area.
Anhui Cuisine (Hui Cai)
It belongs to eastern parts of China and commonly prepared using herbs, mushrooms, berries, tea leaves, bamboo shoots etc. Dishes are cooked by simple stewing and braising. Too much cooking is avoided to preserve natural taste and texture.
Fujian Cuisine
They are usually made from pork, duck, chicken, fish etc. Dishes from this class are prepared by fine chopping of all elements and then boiling or stir-frying.
Guangdong Cuisine
People belong to Guangdong mostly depends on seafood, as this is a coastal region. Vegetables are also eaten here cooked by quite unconventional means and slow cooking.
Hunan Cuisine
Southern part of China is dominated by Hunan cuisines, famous for its spices, deep colors and aromas. Dishes are mostly cooked by braising, stewing , smoking and steaming.
Jiangsu Cuisine
Such Cuisine is common around river Yangtze, and mostly include soups. Dishes are, most of the ties sweet in taste.
Shandong Cuisine
These are the part of eastern coastal part of the country. People of this area rely on bread (made from oat, maize, barley etc) instead of rice. Seafood is also common there. Bamboo shoots and meat balls are famous dishes of this region.
Sichuan Cuisine
A famous and unique of all is Sichuan cuisine, from southwestern province. Dishes are popular because of their strong spices including chilli and garlic. Fish, chicken, duck and pork are cooked mostly by stir-frying and braising. Special Sichuan pepper is predominant feature of spiciness of the dishes.
Zhejiang Cuisine
known for its salty taste, Zhejiang cuisine belongs to southern province. Dishes have a variety of seafood, meat and vegetables while meat is often marinated in vinegar and sugar. Bamboo is the popularity of this region and almost every dish must contain bamboo shoots.