After several weeks of eating and drinking far too much, many of us are now ready to get back on track with out healthy eating and to start undoing the damage from the holidays. Losing the holiday weight is not difficult if you know what you’re doing, nor will it take particularly long either. The key, is knowing what to eat. If you’re looking to lose weight, and nourish your body with some healthy produce, a healthy breakfast is ideal. They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so make sure you start your day off right by trying a few of these healthy breakfast ideas for the New Year.
Scrambled eggs, smoked salmon, and wholegrain bagel
Thanks to the breakthroughs in modern technology, science, and common sense, we now know that fat is not the enemy. Whereas decades ago fat was demonized, we are now aware of the fact that some fats are very good for us. Healthy fats can actually reduce LDL cholesterol, prevent arterial plaque, improve heart health and cardiovascular health in general, as well as boost the metabolism to promote fat loss. This is why smoked salmon and scrambled eggs on a wholegrain bagel is the perfect breakfast. The eggs and salmon provide protein, as well as healthy fats such as omega 3s, which promote heart and brain health. The whole grain bagel has a low G.I and is a great source of vitamin B and slow-release carbs. This is the perfect energy-boosting breakfast to set you up for the day ahead.
Mixed berries and Greek yoghurt
If you want a simple, yet very healthy and tasty breakfast, mixed berries and Greek yoghurt is perfect. Greek yoghurt contains healthy fat, as well as calcium, and it is also rich in muscle-building protein. The berries are packed full of vitamins and antioxidants. They are also much lower in naturally occurring fructose sugars than a lot of other fruits. Simply take a bowl of the yoghurt, top with the mixed berries of your choice, and you’re all set.
Oatmeal with nuts and honey
Oats are one of the healthiest, most versatile breakfast foods in existence. We say breakfast foods, though in reality you can enjoy oats at any time during the day. Oats are low in fat, they’re a great source of complex carbs, they help to reduce cholesterol, they provide slow-release energy, they’re rich in minerals such as calcium, zinc, and iron, plus they contain B vitamins. This healthy breakfast food couldn’t be easier. Simply take your oats, prepare them as you like them, and drizzle over some honey and some nuts. The honey adds sweetness and is also a great anti-bacterial food. The nuts add crunch and texture, as well as protein, amino acids, and healthy fats. You could even add some mixed berries to increase the vitamin content.